FAQ Incoming Students
FAQ Incoming Students
Please note the difference between Nomination and Application. Nomination is done by your home University, whereas students must keep in mind the Application deadline, normally in June-July for the first semester or full year; in December for the second semester. See deadlines here under “Nomination and Application”.
Our main Incoming Erasmus Office ( welcome.desk@unimib.it ) will send you specific information about your online application. With the application you will get your official campus email address, your matriculation number and your ID valid both for the UniMiB Wi-Fi and for Segreterie Online.
You will be asked to upload your language certificate/s during the online Erasmus application procedure. We require B1 level in Italian or B2 English. Please note that language certificates normally have a three-year validity. If you don’t have a B1 level in Italian and you’re planning to attend courses in Italian, it is mandatory to take part in our Italian language courses before your arrival. See “Check-in dates for autumn / spring semesters” below.
For accommodation please see here and read here; you can contact booking.bicocca.fms.it@sodexo.com
If you attend the Italian course, you will have to check-in one month in advance. Please read "Italian language course" here for updated information. Generally speaking, check-in dates are:
to attend Italian language courses:
- First semester: end of August
- Second semester: end of January
no Italian course:
- First semester: end of September
- Second semester: end of February
You will be invited to two different welcome meetings, one for all incoming students, the other one specific for the School of Economics and Statistics. We will inform you about dates and venues (approx. end of Sept for autumn semester and end of Feb for the spring one).
We do not need to receive your Learning Agreement before your arrival. When you arrive (or when your Erasmus period starts), the first step is to bring or send it to the “School of Economics and Statistics, International and Erasmus Mobility” economics.erasmus@unimib.it Building U7, 4th floor, Presidenza corridor, room 4057. For Contacts and Opening Hours see the welcome page of this area. To be approved, your Learning Agreement must show correctly all course names and course codes (compulsory). We will check and approve it and we will be pleased to give you updated information about your studies here and to explain you what to do next.
After approval, don’t forget to upload your L.A. complete with the three signatures (yours and those of the two Universities Erasmus Coordinators) in the Elearning page (Incoming / Requested documents for incoming students).
At least 50% of your credits must be chosen from the offer of the Department you have been assigned to, that is one of the three Dept. forming our School (Dems, Diseade and Dismeq). Also remember you cannot choose more than 2 subjects outside the offer of your Department. Should you consider choosing an exam outside our School of Economics (e.g. Sociology, Law, etc.) you must get the approval signature by the Erasmus Coordinator of the specific degree or Department. External exams without code or without approval signature will not be considered.
First semester teaching period: October - mid January (see note 1&2)
Lessons suspension for intermediate assessments: one week, end of November
Winter exam periods: 2 calls between mid January and end of February (note 2)
Holidays: 1 November; 7 and 8 December; from 24 or 25 December till 6 January (Christmas & New Year); 2-3 days in February/March (Carnival)
Note 1: If you pass all your exams at the first call, you will be able to leave by 10 Feb. approx.
Note2: International Economics didactic is split into two quarters. Important! Read below.
Second semester teaching period: March - mid June (see notes 1 & 2)
Lessons suspension for intermediate assessments: 3 days around 20 April
Exam periods (note 2):
Spring call mid April
Summer: two calls between mid June and end of July
Autumn call: September
Holidays: one week beginning of April (Easter); 25 April; 1 May; 2 June
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INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS didactic semesters are split into two quarters, called cycles. In between a short period of lessons break and assessment tests. If you choose courses from International Economics degree, please check carefully start dates and timetables of each teaching; lesson timetables can change from one cycle to the following one. Moreover, please consider that all International Economics courses are postgraduate courses. It is mandatory for Erasmus students to read carefully the pre-requisites necessary to attend each course: see in the Syllabus of the course in ELearning, as well as in the notes near each course in the Course Catalogue. We invite all undergraduate students as well as postgraduate students from a field different from economics, who wish to attend IntEco courses, to check with the Coordinator whether their background in economics is strong enough to complete the course successfully. Please write to piergiovanna.natale@unimib.it to set a meeting time, once you get to Milan.
FIRST QUARTER from 3 Oct. until 18 Nov.
- Mathematics
- VBA programming
- Advanced microeconomics
- Competition Law
- History of European Integration
- Topics in Human Capital
SECOND QUARTER 28 Nov. until mid-Jan
- Firms and Markets in Global Economies
- Inferential Statistics
- Seminars in Economics and Management
- International Trade Law
- Topics in Labour Markets
- Economics of European Integration
- Fundamental Economic Freedoms and European Labour Law
- Games and strategic behavior (both quarters)
- Industrial Organization (both quarters)
- Topics in Macroeconomics (both quarters)
THIRD QUARTER from 1 March until mid-April
FOURTH QUARTER from 26 Apr. until mid-June 2023
COURSES: not available now
In Italy you do not need to enrol in order to attend lessons but you must enrol in advance to sit an exam.
LESSONS TIMETABLES You can browse timetables at the link http://gestioneorari.didattica.unimib.it/PortaleStudentiUnimib/index.php?view=easycourse&_lang=en
Timetables are published in September for the autumn semester and at the end of January for the spring semester.
Overlapping lessons can be a reason to amend your Learning Agreement, so check carefully. For minimum overlapping talk to the lecturers.
The last icon on the left, at the above link, takes you to an app for real-time alerts and updates about lessons.
The Learning Agreement you prepared, approved by your home university and by us, is an important starting point. Nevertheless you are normally allowed to make changes within 4-5 weeks from the semester start, in case of lessons overlapping or if you find better alternatives on spot. To avoid multiple amendments please wait to send us or hand-in your official L.A. amendment until you have cleared all your doubts. Amendments must be submitted using the specific pages of the L.A. (see your home university web site), clearly writing what you want to delete and what you want to add, including courses codes. The amendment must follow the same approval procedure as the original L.A. i.e. first you sign it and get the approval signature by your home Coordinator, then you take it to our office* during theOpening Hours see the welcome page of this area.
*in case of Covid lockdown please send it by mail to economics.erasmus@unimib.it
By the end of November (for autumn semester) or end of April (for spring semester) all the exams that you planned to sit, according to your approved Learning Agreement + Amendment, will be uploaded in your exam booklet “Libretto” inside your personal page on Segreterie Online. Please check that all of them are correctly listed there. If an exam is missing or wrong please inform us immediately, otherwise you cannot sit that exam.
IMPORTANT! In order to be allowed and sit an exam you must enrol some weeks before, following the online procedure (see “Exams” below). If an exam is not in your Libretto you cannot enrol and if you don’t enrol in the exam the professor cannot upload your grade. All positive grades (18/30 or more) obtained during the "pre-appelli" have no value until the professors record them in the official exam register, at the end of the semester. Only Statistics degrees have official exams in mid November, for which you must enrol. All the other degrees like International Economics may have non-official exams ("preappello") in mid-November but the official exam dates will be in Jan./Feb. and in order to make your November grade become official you will have to enrol yourself for those exam dates in the new year, not in November. Do not forget to do so in January. The November pre-appello is not the OFFICIAL exam date.
This is why the online registration for the official date of each exam is mandatory, if you want your grade to be valid. Only after your online registration for the official date of the exam the professor will be able to upload the grade into your booklet.
Only official grades of the exams you passed will appear in your Transcript of Records (TOR). The Welcome Desk staff will issue and send you the TOR some weeks after the end of your stay, only if you inform them of your departure date. In case you still have non-passed exams in your booklet, inform the Welcome Desk if you plan to come back to sit them again or not.
In order to find the exam date and room see “Exams” below. At present (March 2022) the professor can allow you to carry out your exam in remote mode only in case of Covid illness or mandatory quarantine, but you must apply in advance by writing to the lecturer.
Note pour les étudiants français:
Les étudiants Erasmus français sont informés que, en cas de note inférieure à 18/30 (considérée en Italie comme insuffisante et donc non reportée sur le Relevé de notes international) et seulement si ils auront complété toutes les parties de l’examen (écrit et oral, si prévues), ils pourront faire une demande auprès du professeur de l’enseignement d’une attestation de participation à l’examen avec mention de la note. Le professeur n’est en aucun cas tenu d’accepter leur requête.
Don’t worry if you still see in your Libretto such courses; just inform the Welcome Desk before leaving Milan that you are not going to sit those exams, so they will be cancelled from your Libretto before issuing your Transcript of Records and they will not be mentioned in it. What is more important is that you find in your Libretto all the exams you want to sit; this allows you to enrol in the exams (compulsory).
Partial examinations (pre-appelli) that some professors might have in their courses (after 6 weeks, like International Economics cycles, or after 12 teaching weeks) do not have any official or legal value; to sit pre-appelli you do not need to officially register on your personal booklet (Libretto) in SEGETERIE ONLINE. Exception: ONLY STATISTICS DEGREES HAVE OFFICIAL EXAMS IN MID NOVEMBER (Autumn semester) OR MID APRIL (Spring semester), NEEDING YOUR PRE-ENROLMENT.
Therefore you must remember in January (or June respectively) that the online registration for the official date of each exam is mandatory, otherwise any grade you received by the lecturers in the pre-appello cannot become official. Only if you register online for the official exam date the lecturer will be able to upload your grade into your booklet. Only the official grades will appear in your Transcript of Records (TOR), issued after the end of your stay.
The online registration for official exams generally opens three weeks before the exam date and always closes three working days before it. For each course there are usually two exam calls per session, one at the beginning and one at the end of the exam session.
In Italy the minimum passing grade is 18/30. Below this grade your exam is failed and consequently it will not appear on your TOR (Transcript of Records). After you pass an exam the professor will upload the grade online and you will receive an automatic email. You have three working days from that email to object to the grade, if necessary. After three days, the grade becomes definitive and it will be reported in your TOR.
If you fail an exam and the lecturer records the result in your booklet, remember to register again on your personal page for the next exam call. For any doubts or questions, do not hesitate to contact our University Angels or the Mobility Assistants of our School of Economics. They are at your disposal.
Crowded courses are usually split into two groups with two different lecturers; students must join the right group, according to the initial letter of their surname (group 1 from A to Lh, group 2 Li-Z). Note! Our computer system will not allow you to sit the exam with the other lecturer. Please respect the group composition, as reported in our Didactic Offer tables for Undergraduates and Postgraduates (see General Information/Courses). Please consult timetables by lecturer name whenever you find two names shown for the same subject. If you attend lessons with the wrong lecturer, you will have to enrol and sit the exam with the right one according to your surname, anyhow.
Erasmus students who, for educational reasons, are willing to study at our University longer than they first planned, can apply for an extension of their study period first at their home university, then at UniMiB. Their request must be sent to welcome.desk@unimib.it and to economics.erasmus@unimib.it attaching the official document with the consent of their university (if their home University does not have an extension form, they can modify our form, see Prolungamento della mobilità Erasmus+ ).
Applications for extension are normally accepted as long as the co-operation agreement between the two universities enables it, The deadline to apply for an extension to the Erasmus period is at least one month before the original mobility end date.
Two offices will take care of your Erasmus administrative practices:
School of Economics and Statistics, International and Erasmus Mobility
Building U7, 4° floor, room 4057 email: economics.erasmus@unimib.it
Opening hours: see the welcome page of this area
Welcome Desk, that is the University Main Incoming Mobility Office
Building U17 lowered square, email: welcome.desk@unimib.it
For working hours of the online, front desk and phone reception, see the Welcome Desk webpage
We also encourage you to contact your University Angels and to visit the Bicocca International page on Instagram. The Angels will guide you all through your stay, in order to make your studies more profitable. They can help you with aspects like using online platforms, class timetables, exams organization, contacting lecturers, accommodation. You can also get in touch with the Erasmus Student Network (ESN-Bicocca) see where and when for social events, tandem and others, to enjoy your time in Milan.
Depending on the subject 1. didactic issues 2. student residence accomodation 3. Transcript of Records
please send your email - giving clear information - to:
Didactics: economics.erasmus@unimib.it
Accomodation: residenze.ristorazione@unimib.it cc marco.cavallotti@unimib.it
Transcript of Records: welcome.desk@unimib.it
For very serious issues that you have not been able to solve at the office in charge of it, the university complaints office address is reclami@unimib.it and It only accepts emails sent from your account …..@campus.unimib.it
The exam periods normally end by the third week of February (autumn semester) and by end of July (spring semester). In order to know when you will finish your exams you have to check the exam calendar published online approx. by end October and end February on this web page. Remember that in case you don’t pass an exam at the first call you will need to sit it again at the second call.
Even if you have passed all the partial exams (pre-appelli) remember that, according to our University Regulations, professors can require your presence on the day of the official exams. Keep this in mind and check with the professors before booking your return flight.
All you have to do is inform welcome.desk@unimib.it about your departure date and send them your period certificate for signature, if required by your home university, on your last day in Milan or just a few days before leaving. They will record your departure.
If you don’t inform them of your departure date, your Transcript of Records will not be issued, as they presume that you have to sit other exams.
IMPORTANT in case you plan to come back and try again one or more exams that you did not pass, you must inform the Welcome Desk when you communicate your departure date: they will not close your career, waiting for that grade.
Also if you have exams that you renounced, still in your booklet, please let the Welcome Desk know that they do not need to wait for those results.
It will be issued by our University central incoming office, normally 8 weeks after the registration of your last mark, if you informed them of your departure date. They will email the document both to you and to the Erasmus Coordinator of your home university. For enquiries please write to welcome.desk@unimib.it
For any other doubt, first please check the Erasmus+ web pages on our University web site.
Enjoy your stay!